Saturday, August 27, 2011

Save This Farm

Two more calves arrived today making our herd 28 strong. In five months we have reached our half way goal. We are now selling four buying five each month. The final goal is selling ten and buying ten each month. But before we celebrated our goal of being half way there we thought today's purchases weren't going to be delivered.
The farmer who sold them to us has a daughter who has been in the hospital all week. Last night she had emergency surgery and is in ICU. She is to remain in intensive care for two days. They have been very concerned about her prognosis. It is things like this that remind you of what is really important in life. Cows and making money are good things, but they are only things.
Facts of life:
1) you never know what is going to happen
2) you never know when something is going to happen
3) enjoy this minute

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