Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Save This Farm

Heat Advisory

We are under a heat advisory. It was issued for today and is in place until tomorrow night. I absolutely believe it when the weather person says you should avoid working in the heat. So, I avoided work today like the plague. I got up early to let the cows into their new pasture, and called it a day. I know, I know, you shouldn't call it a day at 7:00 am, but the weather person said to avoid getting over heated. (I am taking no chances)

I had a sandwich for lunch and a salad for dinner. (cooking can cause over heating) I read a book I bought months ago. Jake and I slept a lot in front of the fan. We enjoyed a lot of ice water. It is not every day you can blame your lack of accomplishment on someone else; so when the opportunity presents itself you have to seize chance.

Weather excuses:

1) heat advisories call for a day off

2) Jake takes every day off I do (and then some)

3) can't wait for snow (in GA one flake is a reason for a day off)

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