Saturday, August 6, 2011

Save This Farm

Merry Christmas to me!

...I really didn't know I wanted a 5 foot mower for Christmas until now. But after 38 Christmases it gets harder to be creative. So, I think Bob did a great job of choosing something I have never gotten before; and he presented it early enough to get a lot of good out of it. Also, and this is a biggy, tractor driving lessons are included. (right now I have no clue as to how to turn on a tractor)

I knew starting a farm would open up a lot of opportunities to add skills to my resume. I just had no clue how quickly the list would grow. I can already add shot giving, ear tagging, cattle buying and selling. Soon, tractor driving and bush hogging (really?) will be new additions. I know the neighbors, family and cows can hardly wait for the show to begin.

Things I am refusing to do:

1) wear a cowboy hat

2) tie a red bandanna around Jake's neck except at Christmas proper

3) wear overalls (I do still have some pride)

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