Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Save This Farm

Confessions I usually only tell Jake

You know the saying,"God looks after fools and small children". Well, my standard comeback to that is, "I know which category I am in". So here is the confession: Last Friday we purchased three new calves. We off loaded them at 11:30 Friday morning, we lost them before 7:00 Saturday morning. We walked the farm for the rest of the day Saturday, no calves. Sunday morning the Sheriff's deputy came by and told our nephew and my brother someone had reported seeing calves on the highway. All day Sunday we drove around the north portion of our county, no calves. We were very concerned about the safety of drivers and calves. The money wasn't helping, but mostly we were worried about someone getting hurt.

We gave up. Sunday night at 9:30 I checked my e-mails to see if anyone had ordered something from my etsy shop. There was an e-mail from a local farmer asking me to call him about my cows. He had replied to a craigslist ad I had run a week ago, so I assumed that was what the e-mail was about. I almost didn't call him because of the time. Something about the wording of his e-mail made me reconsider and make the call. The gentleman answered the phone and asked if I was missing three calves. Someone had assumed the cows were his and had put them in his corral while he was out of town Sunday. He remembered my calves had green ear tags from the picture on craigslist and found his old e-mail to me and sent the request for me to phone him.


1) I don't like admitting I am a fool

2) Jake gets tired of hearing my confessions

3) God looks after fools and small children (and I know which category I am in)

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