Going Green and Getting Debt Free in 2 Years - Day 19
Photo Op
Just so we know the rules: posing three dogs for a photo op and herding cats are scored using the same level of difficulty. Sometimes that same scoring criteria is used when dealing with our families. If I am to reach my debt free goal I am going to being saying no to some of the things I have been willing to do in the past. This is not easy, nor does it earn me any friends. My sister already lives in my office rent free and now whines because she doesn't have any money for groceries. I am standing firm on "we can't help with that, Bob is retiring in 2 years and we have a goal". For someone who always came to the rescue before this is not easy, but it has to be done. She needs to take care of herself and I need to let her.
Payday was last week and we are making some headway on the debt. As far as going green the success has been remarkable. Trash day this past week went from being a small event to a none event. With just thinking about packaging options, reusing, recycling and composting there was almost no trash to put out. I got gas in my car yesterday for the first time this month. I think the most remarkable thing about going green is it has made my life easier. By washing only full loads of laundry, cooking once and eating twice to reduce oven use, washing all the dishes in the dishwasher, and combining errands I have an extra couple of hours per day to do things I really enjoy.
goal #1 - going green - amazing
goal #2 - debt free - last tally $104,000.00 (a reduction of $1000.00 in 3 weeks!!!)
goal #3 - enjoying the good life - totally
Now if someone will share how not to feel guilty for taking care of myself.
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