Thursday, July 1, 2010

2 years to a greener and debt free life - day 1

Okay so it sounds like a very ambitious undertaking. That is why I am starting this blog, for accountability and input from people who have gone ahead of me. Today I owe, well my husband and I owe, $105,000.00. (ouch) Most of this debt is a mortgage we have because of my inability to say "NO". I am counting on there being a place in the afterlife for someone who is very helpful. I also have to admit I am not a good samaritan when it comes to taking care of our planet, people maybe too much, our environmnet, not so much.

Goal #1 - become green
Goal #2 - use the money saved by going green to pay off debt
Goal #3 - enjoy the good life

The challanges of this is I have a connective tissue disease, think lupus, which limits my ability to "work". (this means I can not hold a REAL job which pays money) I don't receive any disability income, I do sell knit and crocheted items on to support my yarn habit. My husband, Bob, works hard and makes a decent income (it is his money we will be managing here). He would like to retire, but.... someone needs to pay off all the debt first. He turned 60 last week, hence the 2 year goal.

I need cheerleaders and good advice.


  1. Fun blog Alice, Thanks for sharing.
    I know you have been learning to live with an autoimmune disease for a years now. I have been doing alot of research into gluten and it's effect on the body. Have you ever tried a gluten free diet?

  2. Thanks for reading, no I haven't actually tried the diet, I have been seeing a lot of buzz on it. If you have any recipes please let me know.
