Thursday, September 8, 2011

Save This Farm

If you want to make my husband mad...
Bob hates this may become my mantra. I admitted I was scared of asking for help and filling out important forms....but I put on those big girl panites (no sizes will be used to protect the chubby) and went to the FSA (farm services agency). As it turned out the person I talked with is someone I worked with several years ago. It was much easier dealing with a friend. The paper work is still in progress, but it seems they will walk me through it.
I need money for equiptment; especially a head gate. I can't ask my family to go through another vaccinating episode without one. I also need some minor things like a holding pen for calves, feeding troughs, a hay ring, etc.....
Good things that have happened by taking action:
1) the family farm is still ours
2) Jake is still ours
3) my family still loves me

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