With a little help from my friends (family)
I am afraid even visiting relatives are not spared the "cow experience".
We had the opportunity to have Bob's sister and her husband spend Saturday with us and showed them a good time. (watching cows eat).
Luckily "the girls" were on best behavior and put on a great show. They came running, took the food buckets away, and posed for this picture.
Today the family fun continued. My brother helped us give shots to six of the newer additions. The thrill of giving shots is hard to put into words. (at least words suitable for mixed company) We need a head gate. Right now we pen the calves between two gates and try not to hurt the cow or ourselves. Needless to say "head gate" is at the top of our wish list. (right behind a million dollars)
Things only family members who love you will do:
1) go with you to feed your cows without complaining
2) pray for the return of Jake (which worked)
3) assist you in committing hari-kari
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