Fall Chores
Hay has been gathered. Fences checked. (almost a daily chore) The pastures have been over seeded for winter grazing. The girl calves are getting hugh. I thought they were big five months ago, I was wrong. A couple of them are topping 800 pounds. Babies' Daddy is getting to be a stud. (at least he thinks so) His voice is changing and he sounds like a preteen boy.
At this point in time I am ready for a slower pace of life. So I am just going to let the calves grow, the pasture grow, and me rest. I am putting selling calves off until after New Years. This gives us a chance to enjoy the holidays. (I think they start with Halloween and go until January 2) It also gives us a chance to reflect on the past months and determine what works and what doesn't.
Reason to slow down:
1) you can't figure out what works best if you are always working
2) Jake seems stressed
3) I seem stressed