Monday, August 9, 2010

Green and Debt Free - Day 42


That splashing sound you hear is me crying in my beer. We just received the highest electricity bill in the history of living in this house. We have done all the things we did in the past and then some to keep this bill as low as possible, but we and most of the east coast have enjoyed one hot summer.

I know you should not wish your life away....but right now winter doesn't look that bad (I did say right now). I am ready for hot tea instead of iced tea, knitting without needing a fan blowing on me, and quilts on the bed. I did see an advertisement for a craft store with Halloween items so I know there is hope. To everything there is a season, I am just ready for this season to cool off.

goal #1 - going green - I am trying

goal #2 - debt reduction - I am trying

goal #3 - enjoying the good life - I am trying

At least I get something for effort...right?

1 comment:

  1. You're doing great! And ditto on EVERYTHING you said! Come on, FALL. :) and FIREWOOD. hehe.
